Let the journey begin

Tomorrow, on October 3rd, 2019, I’m starting my Eisenhower Fellowship journey. A lot of excitement and planning during the past two months to make it happen. I selected mentors, experts, institutions, schools, and companies to visit in more than 13 cities around the United States. I’m humbled to represent Brazil with the other 22 fellows from Latin American and the Caribbean. The fellows are from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela, and represent a broad range of public, private and nonprofit fields.

EF Fellows 2019 - Credit: Eisenhower Fellowship

Eisenhower Fellowships is a nonprofit/nonpartisan organization chaired by former Secretary of Defense, Dr. Robert Gates, founded in 1953 in honor of President Dwight Eisenhower. EF brings leaders from around the world to spend several weeks meeting with experts in their fields of interest throughout the U.S. in the spirit of making the world more peaceful, prosperous and just.

I’ll be traveling for more than 9,000 miles across the US, with some spaces to change the itinerary. Well, flexibility is a good skill for the future, right? And packing as well. The cities that I know I’ll be visiting are Philadelphia, Washington DC, Boston, Chicago, Austin, Houston, New York City, New Haven, Sedona, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago. The map below shows the route by car, but, fortunately, I’ll be flying!

Map from the cities I'll be visiting during Eisenhower Fellowship  - via Google Maps

My main goal is to learn about the lifelong learning solutions to develop social and emotional skills. I’m looking for best practices for engaging people in social-emotional growth, no matter if they are children, adolescents, adults, parents, educators or leaders. As a result, I will increase the impact of my work as a professional in learning and development by advocating for emotional intelligence and social and emotional skills help people become better individuals, better professionals, and better citizens to build a thriving world where all learners are enabled with the skills to succeed in school, work, and life.

I will post here my #EFjourney to share some of the experience with you. I hope you enjoy! I’m excited! First stop: Philadelphia.

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